Final Project Idea

30 Mar 2020

Project: APPleseed


The problem: There are possibly hundreds of different problem areas that students have encountered which could be solved (to some degree) via the utilization of an app. However, ICS students (or other budding developers) may not have thought of them, thus they would not know that there’s a need to make an app to help address those issues. This app could be beneficial to the group mentioned above as well as ICS students looking for project ideas in upper level CS classes.

The solution: This app would let UH Manoa (or UH system) students, teachers or staff submit ideas that could help benefit or improve their lives. Perhaps several topic areas could be suggested, and a rating system implemented to help decide which apps would actually make it into development.


For this app we would need to create a way to allow faculty, students and staff submit their ideas in a form with their ideas, contact info (to discuss their ideas further for development purposes), perhaps some radio buttons or checklists to select topics or problem areas, and a rating system so other users in the UH system could help vote to see if the app idea is useful.

Potential mockup pages include:

Use case ideas

Here are some use cases, but it’s possible more might be added if the project actually gets developed.

Beyond the basics

After implementing the basic functionality, here are ideas for more advanced features: